Friday, April 25, 2008


Forenze is a planet with tall mountains and deep valleys, creatures live and created villages on mountain tops. There is one lake on Forenze, This lake is the only home to all the fish on Forenze. The lake is said to be the home of a monstrous sea creature. There is one tallest mountain on Forenze. So far, no one has scaled the mountain yet but the history says that there is a treasure for whoever climbs it first. The top of the mountain is surrounded by a cloud and weird wind pattern so planes couldn't see what is up there on the summit. Climbers have tried and tried again but no one has ever sucessfully scaled the mountain. Forenze did not always had mountains and valleys, it used to be flat, but one day, the tectonic plates shifted majorly and mountains and valleys appeared, and cities and towns were destroyed. The creatures adapted to the planet.

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